Welcome to New Era Church
A Christian Spiritualist Church
A Christian Spiritualist Church
Church service starts at 11 a.m. The church service is comprised of music, prayer, spiritual healing, lecture and Spirit messages and a development class.
Sunday, Feb. 2, Rev. Bernie Zurn will be the speaker. He is a minister at Spirit Guided Friends in Portland. Rev. Zurn will speak on psychic energy. The service starts at 11 a.m.
Rev. Barbara Baker gives private readings --$40. donation. She is an evidential psychic medium. She has given readings for over 20 years.
Classes: TBA
Thank you for visiting our website. We send our love to you. We pray for each one to help them find solutions to problems that they face. As you develop your psychic spiritual abilities under God, solutions and answers can come to you as you listen to the guidance that God brings to you through connections and love from your angel guides and Spirit guides.
The ministry that we have is to bring the light of understanding. You have a beautiful Spirit and soul. God loves you. Dare to dream for God wants to help you find your purpose and develop abilities to bring you what you want.
Mission: To help others on their spiritual journey to find their purpose, love and happiness in their life-- and connection to the Divine.
We believe in Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Love, God, the Creator.
We believe in Jesus the Christ.
We believe that the doorway to reformation is always open here or hereafter.
We believe in the golden rule.
We believe that each one has a beautiful soul, the higher self, the I AM presence. The soul is part of the Divine and lives after death in a Spirit body.
We believe Spirit communication does exist and that it can be proven scientifically. We believe and know that everlasting life is proven without a doubt.
Spiritualism is a science, a philosophy, and a religion.
We know the miracle of healing through prayer.
We believe in progressive growth through the love of God.
We believe in the Holy Comforter. The Holy Bible is our guidebook.
We believe in personal responsibility that each one makes his own fate.
The principles and teachings of Spiritualism provide tools and processes of developing abilities to better your life. Spiritualism --the light of the world.
Our historic hotel built in 1890 needs to be painted and restored. The photo to the left is what it looks like today. The historic hotel needs to be painted.
The cost for the restoration of the historic hotel-- to paint the historic hotel and repair the outside stairs and windows is around $40,000.
Please help us restore and maintain this beautiful building. Your loving and generous support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and maintain New Era Church. We are in desperate need of help to pay for this beautiful historic building that is part of the Oregon Trail. Joseph Parrott Sr., a famous Oregon pioneer sold the property to the founders of the New Era church in 1872. Joseph Parrrott Jr. lived on the property and served as the caretaker in the 1920s.
We, also, need funds to maintain the beautiful grounds and drain fields. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your support. God bless you.
Wonderful place! I attended services, post-services activities and development classes back in the late 70s and 80s. I Was able to develop and use my psychic reading abilities, and also received important readings that assisted with major turning points in my life. Nancy N.
The honesty and truth shared. Margarita T.
Bringing generations together. Great place to be. Diana N
For the wonderful service you give us, with love and compassion. Cheryl G.
Thank you for the wonderful service...such a peaceful place. Ed K.
Truly a blessed place where heart-generous people meet and share of themselves. Marie
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